DBond assigns disulfide bond sites in a protein via analysis of MS/MS spectra of disulfide linked peptides from protein digestion under non-reducing condition. A disulfide linked peptide produces multiple fragment ions from two peptides, and therefore, its MS/MS spectrum shows complex patterns and includes many overlapping fragment ions. DBond was designed to recognize diagnostic fragment ions resultant specifically from disulfide linkages. |
New algorithm for the identification of intact disulfide linkages based on fragmentation characteristics in tandem mass spectra. Seonhwa Choi, Jaeho Jeong, Seungjin Na, Hyo Sun Lee, Hwa-Young Kim, Kong-Joo Lee, and Eunok Paek. Journal of Proteome Research, 2010, 9, 626-635. [ PMID: 19902913 ] |